Karl Edward Wagner
"Ride Hard Die Free"
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Welcome Wagner Fans!

Portrait of Karl by John Mayer (Pen & Ink)


This website is dedicated to the memory of our uncle, Karl Edward Wagner. Growing up in the 1960's "Uncle Karl" used to scare the bejesus out of us with his "bedtime stories" at our family lakehouse in the woods of East Tennessee. Night upon night, year upon year during our adolescence he would regale us with tales of his and his faithful companion Sir Stanley's amazng exploits against the forces of evil. With only a thin screen separating us from the dark night and strange sounds of the woods we would lay terrified of werewolves, demons and unearthly creatures that surely lurked just outside our window. Karl was the only one in the room who got a good night sleep as the three of us trembled under our covers in the double bunks. Our parents had no idea how much his "stories" frightened us and we would never tell for fear they would make him stop. Looking back we are amazed at the realization that he pretty much just made them up as he went along. How we wish he had written them down.


On this website we will provide you with information, events and updates from Karl's estate including news of a planned film based on "Death Angel's Shadow". In the future we hope to also provide you with memorabilia such as prints of original artwork and maybe even bottles of "Doc Wagner's Fire-In-The-Hole Barbecue Sauce". Please visit often and share the site with friends. We welcome your comments, suggestions and emails. 



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