Third KARL
Fear and Fantasy Film and Fiction Festival
Summoning Dinner
Photos of those in attendance at the 2012 Wagner Dinner
![Bloodstone Device](./images/BloodstoneBar.gif)
Wagner aficionados
believe some sort of recognition of Knoxville’s greatest horror
writer is long overdue, and we intend to conjure up a Wagner's
Sabbat in his hometown.
October of 2012, on the meaningful 13th, a few Wagner devotées
residing in shadow-haunted Knoxville and dark pilgrims from cities
and towns hundreds of miles distant, from Far Lands and Other
met at the strange and charming game
and card shop and comics emporium Organized
Play in
Old City. Due to the last minute decision to meet again, and illness
and misfortune keeping some away, this year only seven connoiseurs
of arcame literature were in attendance. Yet the mood was optimistic
that a more ambitious event can yet br organized here. We are,
at last, getting some serious interest from officials in the city,
including our new mayor. Our new venue, the back room and patio
of the establishment, affording us much more privacy and elbow
and tentacle room than our previous spot at Sullivan’s, was far
more conducive to conversation and reminiscence. We were able to
get better acquainted with one another and to better hear Barbara
Mott’s memories of life with Karl and the gifts and obstacles which
directed his creative impulses. As
a well-known Anglophile Karl would have been pleased by the fare
and the additional brews and ciders brought us by the professional
and attentive server from the British pub just beside us, The
Crown and Goose. Such
traditional English staples as bangers and mash, bubble-and-squeak
and black-and-tan were available, along with fancier dishes.
Karl’s hometown Knoxville is increasingly willing to acknowledge our
eldritch undercurrents. The third Karl Edward Wagner Literary Society
meeting was followed a couple of days later by a zombie jamboree in
our legended Ijams
Unnatural Center and, the following weekend, by
the Knoxville‘s
Horror Film Festival This will be the
fourth year of the film festival, founded by William Mahaffey; it has
proven to be quite successful. The University of Tennesee in Knoxville
is still considering a horror fiction festival though details are sketchy.
Earlier Neil Gaiman, among others, was said to be interested..
an untimely visitation of full employment has prevented my promoting
this event in any significant way, for the last couple of years, and
the decision to get together this year was very ad hoc. Yet the
venue couldn’t have been better, and the few that showed up made
up for their lack of numbers by insightful conversation and wit.
I hope to be more engaged next year and to have the assistance
of some planners far more capable than myself. If you’d
like to meet a few of Karl’s
old friends, his ex-wife, at least one of his nephews and some
other fans of his work and discuss how we might prevail upon the
city of Knoxville to take fantasy more seriously, join us for some
hearty camraderie in October of 2013 on the weekend following the
anniversary of Karl’s death. And, if you think you could
do a better job of furthering this festival... you’re almost
certainly right. Let’s talk. My email address is on the homepage. ~
John Mayer
P.S. T-Shirts are available; I’m selling
them at cost to help promote Karl, his work, and the festival concept.
You could do us a favor by being photographed in yours before some
recognizable landmark or distinctive landscape for posting on this
site. I think they will go for $15.
Paranormal Vision: The
Karl Edward Wagner Fall Fear and Fantasy Film & Fiction Festival
Patrick Sullivan’s
Salloon (drawn by myself, John Mayer), after the manner of Lee
Brown Coye (more or less), for the upcoming anthology
Hex Code and Others, by myself,
edited by Henrik Harksen.
In our youth this building and the others in Knoxville’s Old
City were given over to a few poolhalls and black clubs – Cab
Calloway played here (I got to see him perform in Knoxville, at the
– and a number of second-hand and junk shops where both Karl
and I often bought old fantasy and horror books and magazines. There
was also, in Big Don’s Bargain Barn, which is still there, a
real skeleton in a real, antique coffin. Why? Who knows. It had just
always been there.
![Bloodstone Device](./images/BloodstoneBar.gif) |
his many other skills and accomplishments, Karl Wagner was an
exceptional raconteur. When the Wagner Festsival becomes a realithy
he will be with us in spirit, and in the memories and conversation
of his friends, family and fans. |
Photo © Louise
Stewart |
![Bloodstone Device](./images/BloodstoneBar.gif)
Things to See and Do in Karlville
All within
walking distance
Knoxville’s Marvelous
Movie Palace
(an Acre of Seats, More Stars than there
are in the Heavens. See the Mighty Wurlitzer organ rise from
nether regions)
The Remarkable Bijou Theater
(Title structure of David Madden’s
book of the same name. Some of the best acoustics of any theater,
and the only full-drop theater remaining in the Southeastern US.
Also the fourth oldest buillding in Knoxville - yes, it’s haunted
- with a rich history. Needless to say, Knoxville tried to tear it
down... )
The S&W Cafeteria Open House
(One of Knoxville’s Few Art Deco treasures, in
its heyday this opulent eatery gave the lie to the notion of cafeteria
food as declassé;
completely restored and as elegant as ever. Still finding their way
cuisine wise, and the least veggie friendly place in town)
![S & W](images/S&W.jpg)
More Restaurants, Clubs and Theaters, both Live and
Film, than you can shake “Sticks” at.
About Knoxville
Learn Knoxville’s
Dark Secrets
Knoxville’s Secret Historian writes
of the lobotomy of Tennessee WIlliam’s sister Rose (in Knoxville?),
the world-famous Huddle (now
the site of a comics and gaming shop Organized Play,
it was once a bar made famous by Comac
Macarthy and
the inspiration for a German band, Buddy
and the Huddle, and more)
the Literary Cliff Notes
Knoxville: Spawn of Evil
Much of this history of “The Invisible Empire
of Soulless Men,” by Manly Wellman’s brother, Paul, takes place in
early Knoxville
of Arcane Interest Nearby
The Body Farm
The Lost Sea
The Town of Rugby
More events and details soon